Thursday, May 19, 2016

Happy 8th Birthday Annalise!

Annalise got to celebrate her 8th birthday at our new "halfway/temporary" house!

She was excited to open presents before Mark and Avery left, so she was up early!

And what a fun and creative gift from Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff!

Since it was a school day Annalise chose to leave a little early with her friend Calli and go and get a steamed milk and a monster cookie for breakfast!

Annalise is that kid who's always up for anything!
You name it....she'll try it....she's got an adventurous personality for sure!
For dinner...she chose SUSHI!

And check out the color of this cake!!!

Instead of a birthday party Annalise wanted to do a trip to the mall and a sleepover with Calli.
So...she waited patiently until the weekend and then we did it!
These two were ready to SHOP!

And play....

There were lots of giggles....

And snuggles....

Happy birthday Annalise. We love your spark and willingness to try anything!
You're super creative and love making things for other people.
You have a kind heart and are concerned when others are hurting.
It's so fun watching you grow....and love the little person you are becoming.
We are proud of you Annie, and we love you so very much!

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