Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas

We decided this year would be a quick trip to Spokane so we could have more time at home during break to work on projects around the house.

We drove over on Mark's birthday.  
The roads weren't the greatest, but we made it in time to order pizza and open some presents!  
He got the coolest present!!!  His Mom and Dad made him a photo album that went all the way back to when he was a baby.  It was definitely a labor of love!  The girls and I loved seeing all the memories, too!

On Christmas Eve we went up to Lori and Jeff's for the Cota Christmas celebration!
As always, their house was super festive and beautifully decorated!
We had a great time opening (way too many) presents!

We had a DELICIOUS prime rib dinner and played a HILARIOUS round of the game Speak Out.
It was another great Christmas with family!

Santa found us at Grandma and Grandpa's Christmas morning!
Annalise got a super awesome YELLOW Polaroid camera with the perfect case!

Avery got just what she asked for too--CASH!
Way to go Santa!!!

The rest of the Schneider crew came over and we had a yummy brunch before 
digging in to yet another round of presents!
The cousins are always excited to see each other and catch up!

Bella and Avery spent HOURS coloring, listening to music and chatting!

Elsa and Annalise played and played....also planned a magic show for later Christmas night!

Spoiled again with so many presents!

The grown-ups opted for an afternoon card game.
Paul was the big winner.

The post-dinner magic show was a big hit!
These girls really know their stuff!

It was a great Christmas celebration.
And to cap off the night, Elsa played Silent Night for us all.  
She's an amazingly talented little girl!

We headed back home the day after Christmas. We had a great time celebrating with family.
Merry Christmas to all.

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