Monday, May 30, 2011

Annalise is 3!!!!!

Really???  Our little Annalisee is 3???  How is that possible???
It seems like she was just meeting her big sister....

And look at her now....
Our pretty little princess who goes through at LEAST 3 outfits a day.

Annalise asked EVERYONE for a "Rapunzel toy" this year for her birthday.  And in fact, when people asked about her birthday, she would proudly tell them that she was getting a "Rapunzel toy".  And Rapunzel she got!!!!!  Rapunzel after Rapunzel after Rapunzel!!!  And she LOVED every single one of them!!!!

And frankly....ANYTHING "princess" was a hit!

And when she got a Rapunzel wig....oh my!!!!!!

Our funny little Annalisee is 3.  She has a larger than life personality and such a great sense of humor.  She keeps us busy and is really good at pushing buttons!  We love this little girl very much!
Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!

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