Monday, May 16, 2011

Avery's 7th Birthday

Our sweet Avery is 7.  She had quite a busy birthday!  It was a school day (which she thought was AWESOME!).  Our district has gotten away from the birthday treat tradition, so we didn't do any celebrating at school.  After school it was off to soccer practice!  (She was also THRILLED that this fell on her birthday!)  She had long since decided that she REALLY wanted to go tot he Olive Garden for her birthday dinner.  We tried to convince her to do it on a night OTHER than her birthday after soccer at 6:30, but she really wanted it to be ON her birthday. SO....we indulged her and headed to Olive Garden.  The dinner was great, but Avery (and Annalise) were exhausted!!!  We didn't even make it home until almost 9:00!!!  YIKES!!!!!

Avery was VERY particular about what she wanted for her birthday this year.  She's been saving since the end of last summer for an iPod Touch.  Every tooth fairy dollar, any dollar she could con out of us, and gift $$$ has been put in her piggy bank.  So....anyone that asked this year, she told them she would just love some money to go toward her iPod Touch.

She opened all her gifts....many of them containing cold, hard CASH. was the final package....

.....that sent her over the edge!!!  SHE DID IT!!!!!  She has officially saved enough money for her very own iPod Touch!!!!!  SHE IS PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
(Way to go Avery!!!  That patience and perserverance paid off!!)

She also had a very clear idea of what kind of celebration she wanted. 
Just a few friends, bowling and pizza.  So....this was the birthday party crew.

They had a blast!!!  They bowled like crazy, drank 2 pitchers of lemonade, ate a large pizza, kept asking Mark for more quarters for the video games and squealed and squealed!! :) 
Avery felt well-celebrated by this sweet group of girls!

Even Annalise got in on the action!!! (She loved the hand blower!!)

It was time to open some presents....

Happy 7th Birthday Avery!

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