Thursday, August 21, 2008

3 Months Old!!

It's funny how you want that first few weeks of infancy to go quickly(well...I did)....and then before you know's gone. Annalise has turned that 3 month corner....she's got great control of her head, she'll smile and laugh for you, she drools like she's maybe even beginning to get a tooth, etc. Along with all of that comes the different faces.

Here is Annalise at her most happy time.

She is a very happy and easy going baby most of the time....

Until she gets HUNGRY......then she'll frantically eat her hand. The entire thing! She hasn't really liked the idea of a pacifier (unlike her sister)'s too bad actually....I think it might taste better than the fist!

It's beginning to sink in for me that I have to go back to work in a week and a half. I thought it might be easier with Annalise. And perhaps it will be....maybe I won't cry off and on all day thinking of her at daycare. BUT....I get most anxious about the whole thing when we try to give her a bottle. She is NOT a fan. In fact....she's yet to take one. We're on nipple/bottle brand number 6. Anyone out there with magic tricks.....I'd love to hear them. We're sort of at a loss. Hopefully Ryan and Teresa (her daycare providers) have the magic touch. Sigh. Anyway...this is a mild version of what Annalise looks like when we get the bottle out.

We've still got some time (ha)....and we're hopeful that she'll be drinking out of a bottle in a week. If not....we hear that babies will eat from just about anything when they're hungry enough. Yikes. Be sending us (and Annalise) good thoughts! :)

Nooksack River Camping

We had a great time last weekend camping at the Nooksack River with some friends. We had 8 kids between 4 couples....ranging in age from 8 years to 3 months. It was HOT! The river felt good and the popsicles (cold beer for the grown-ups) tasted great! :)

The two babies even had a good time. Jet is two weeks younger than Annalise.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Peninsula Camping

Every year we try and do a camping trip to the coast with the Cota's. We went back to Ft. Flagler this year. The weather was PHENOMENAL!!! Sunny and clear...about 75-80 degrees. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather. We hung out, rode bikes and scooters, checked out the old batteries, Mark and Gramps did some salmon fishing (and actually caught a couple! Not keepers, though!), flew kites, played on the playground and enjoyed the sunsets! :) We had a GREAT time!
The trip over was on a VERY small ferry that we had to make reservations for since we were so was Annalise's first ferry trip....Avery's third. :)

We could only make reservations at Ft. Flagler for 4 nights so after we left there we decided to try a new campground down on the Hood Canal....Dosewallips State Park. You couldn't even get to the Hood Canal....but the Dosewallips River runs through the campground. Avery had a good time playing in the river and made a couple of friends while we were there.

So I think that pretty much brings us up-to-date on what we've been doing this past month! We're staying busy and enjoying every moment of summer!

Annalise is growing fast....I can't believe she's almost 3 months old!!
She's such a good and happy baby! She just goes with the flow and lets you know if there is something she's not happy about. But....once the problem is solved she goes right back to being smiley and mellow.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Spokane--Final Edition

Some gracious friends of Grandma and Grandpa allowed all of us to use their place at Lake Gillette for a weekend. What a FANTASTIC set-up! The 9 of us had a great time swimming, canoeing, huckleberry picking, eating and hanging out!

It was great having so much family time in Spokane!

Spokane--Part 2

We left G-ma and G-pa's and headed north to Grams and Gramps' house. Again...the grandparents were loving their grandkid time!! Annalise got to finally meet her cousin Mallory.

Robin and Geoff also made the trek east and spent a few days with us. Robin even took a drive on the doodle-bug! She was quite proud of herself! Doesn't she look good?! :) They hadn't been to Spokane since our wedding 10 years ago so we took them down to Riverfront Park. We figured they needed the whole Spokane experience!

Another MUST-DO for Avery while we are in Spokane is visit Auntie Lori at her "shop" to get her nails done. This is always a highlight! I wonder if Annalise will be such a girlie-girl??

Spokane Visit--First Edition

We were able to spend a good chunk of time in Spokane this summer. The first part of the trip we spent with the Schneiders.

We hung out at Grandma and Grandpa's and Bella, Uncle Paul and Aunt Katrina came and played. It was nice and warm so the girls had a great time in the backyard playing in the pool and slip'n'slide!

Annalise had a nice time, too. I think Grandma and Grandpa liked having her around!