Sunday, August 10, 2008

Spokane--Part 2

We left G-ma and G-pa's and headed north to Grams and Gramps' house. Again...the grandparents were loving their grandkid time!! Annalise got to finally meet her cousin Mallory.

Robin and Geoff also made the trek east and spent a few days with us. Robin even took a drive on the doodle-bug! She was quite proud of herself! Doesn't she look good?! :) They hadn't been to Spokane since our wedding 10 years ago so we took them down to Riverfront Park. We figured they needed the whole Spokane experience!

Another MUST-DO for Avery while we are in Spokane is visit Auntie Lori at her "shop" to get her nails done. This is always a highlight! I wonder if Annalise will be such a girlie-girl??

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