Monday, August 11, 2008

Peninsula Camping

Every year we try and do a camping trip to the coast with the Cota's. We went back to Ft. Flagler this year. The weather was PHENOMENAL!!! Sunny and clear...about 75-80 degrees. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather. We hung out, rode bikes and scooters, checked out the old batteries, Mark and Gramps did some salmon fishing (and actually caught a couple! Not keepers, though!), flew kites, played on the playground and enjoyed the sunsets! :) We had a GREAT time!
The trip over was on a VERY small ferry that we had to make reservations for since we were so was Annalise's first ferry trip....Avery's third. :)

We could only make reservations at Ft. Flagler for 4 nights so after we left there we decided to try a new campground down on the Hood Canal....Dosewallips State Park. You couldn't even get to the Hood Canal....but the Dosewallips River runs through the campground. Avery had a good time playing in the river and made a couple of friends while we were there.

So I think that pretty much brings us up-to-date on what we've been doing this past month! We're staying busy and enjoying every moment of summer!

Annalise is growing fast....I can't believe she's almost 3 months old!!
She's such a good and happy baby! She just goes with the flow and lets you know if there is something she's not happy about. But....once the problem is solved she goes right back to being smiley and mellow.

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