Sunday, November 1, 2009


Last night was FINALLY the big night! :)

Avery's been counting down the days. (And hoping she'd feel good enough to go trick-or-treating!) She'd been sick most of the week with fevers, cough, etc. She was fever-free for 24 hours so she was free to go!!! Yippee!

Spider Girl was anxious to get going!!!

Not so much for the "Love Bug".....

Her favorite new expression is "TOP IT" (stop it!). It's actually quite hard not to laugh when she says it. We're REALLY trying not to encourage it....because she says it for EVERYTHING!!! Mostly when her big sister is around, though! :) Needless to say....she was ready for the costume to come off pretty quickly. We did get the coat back on her to go outside and trick-or-treat a couple of houses with Avery.So...after a trip down the cul de sac with Daddy, Avery and I went and did another loop of houses. Avery was VERY excited......"This is the best night of the whole year!" (Guess she didn't remember the 4th of July?!). She had to come back and dump her bucket 3 times! Oh my...we'll have candy until Easter again!!!!

I think Annalise actually had more fun opening the door for the trick-or-treaters.
As I was putting her to bed I told her, "Good night honey. Happy Halloween. Trick-or-Treat." And she replied......"Happy Treat."

It was a good Halloween! :)

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