Sunday, November 1, 2009


We've been celebrating Halloween for over a week now! :)
We started with a pumpkin carving party "Camper Reunion". All of the camping crew from our Winthrop trip got together for a good Halloween time! Thanks to Anne, Allan and Aidan for hosting!
Each kid got to pick out a pumpkin to carve, too. We let them go for it....and they produced some good looking pumpkins! :)
We still had our pumpkins to carve from the pumpkin patch so we did that, too! It was Annalise's first experience with pumpkin guts. She wasn't so sure at the beginning, but she dug right in after a minute or two! She also found that chewing on the chunks of pumpkin as we began carving was pretty tasty. Ewww.
She was watching her sister....who wasn't at ALL afraid to dig in! :)

Daddy, too.
The completed works of art......

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