Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas with the Cotas

We started our Winter Break with a pre-Christmas celebration at the Cotas' house!
It was nice to see some snow and get us in the Holiday Spirit! :) 
We ALL got out and had some serious snow fun!

Annalise LOVED everything about being out in the snow! 

Especially being pulled around in the sled!

Avery had a great time throwing snowballs at everyone!
Then we headed inside to have our Christmas celebration!

Thanks for everything!!!  What a fun time we had together!  
It was great to be able to spend a few days playing!
Wish we lived closer so that we could do it more often then just a few times a year!

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Nice reading all of your blog posts! Looks like you guys had a great holiday!!! Your girls are adorable:) Oh, and we loved your Christmas card - how creative!