Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break!!!! (Part 2)

We left Idaho and headed back to Spokane.
Time with the Schneiders!!! Yippee!!!
For Avery...that means Game Time with Grandma!!!  She even learned how to play chess this time!

And....a time to run around like crazy people with their cousins Bella and Elsa!!!

These girls LOVE their cousins!

And even a little quiet time reading in the big box!

And a number of "concerts"! :)

It's been so fun watching these girls grow up together. 
I can imagine what their time together will become as they grow into teenagers! :)

It was a great Spring Break with lots of good, quality family time!  Wish Spokane weren't QUITE so far and we could do it more often.  Sigh.  Guess that's why we make the most of the times we do have together.  Thank you Spokane Schneiders!!! :)

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