Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Avery and Annalise were very anxious about the Easter Bunny's arrival this year.
Avery missed her scavenger hunt last year on Easter because we were on our way to Hawaii.
So this year she was excited to see how the Easter Bunny would do.
He left her some pretty good clues and she found her basket quickly!

Annalise slept in but as soon as she was awake, she followed a pretty long trail of jelly beans (stuffing handfuls into her mouth along the way) and found her basket, too!

The girls did a great job coloring eggs!

They were excited to find and hide them!!!  (Think the game could have gone on all day!  We called it when I sort of forgot where an egg had been hidden.  Yes, we later found it! : ) )

We had a very nice, quiet family day.  It was a lovely Easter.

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