Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day

There is nothing in the world that can describe the feeling of being a Mom.
People told me when I was pregnant with Avery that it would change my life.
Words can't accurately describe the change that happens.
These girls of ours consume me.
They consume every thought and emotion that I have.
With every decision I make, I have them on my mind.
And I am so, so, so thankful that I have them in my life.
I love them so very much and am so proud to be their mom.

Becoming a Mom also puts into perspective the sacrifices your own Mom
has made for you in her life.  It has made me thankful for the wonderful and
supportive Mom that I have in my life.  Love you Mom! :)

Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there who make the same sacrifices
and love your own children in that same, special, all-consuming way.

It was a great Mother's Day and I am so proud and thankful to be a Mom.

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