Monday, May 30, 2011

Bridging to Brownies

Avery has officially completed her second year as a Daisy Girl Scout!
She had a "Bridging" ceremony where she was declared an official
BROWNIE Girl Scout!!!

It was a perfect afternoon....the sun came out and the ceremony went off as planned....OUTSIDE!!!

Families joined us as these girls celebrated the change from Daisy to Brownie!

The girls each had a chance to tell what they enjoyed the most about being a Daisy Girl Scout.  It ranged anywhere from arts and crafts activities to selling cookies to "EVERYTHING"!!! :)

These past couple years as a Daisy were spent primarily learning the foundation of the Girl Scout Law.  As a Brownie she'll be more involved in trying new things and learning new skills!  It has been a great experience for Avery and she's excited for this next adventure.

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