Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bein' Brave

Our babysitter Breanna graduated from high school this year.
We were able to go to her and her boyfriend Austin's graduation party.
It was a great party filled with TONS of food and drinks, a big campfire and dirtbikes.

Annalise LOVED the dirtbikes.  In fact, she told Breanna's mom Brandi how much she liked them.
Brandi jumped right on it and asked her if she wanted to go for a ride.  Annalise was very much interested!!!!  She borrowed a helmet from Brandi's nephew and got to go on a very muddy ride with Breanna's brother Aaron.

What a sight it was.  This pretty little girlie girl in her flowery dress and pink sweatshirt, mud boots and a helmet so heavy she could barely keep her head upright in.

She was ready to go!!!!  With absolutely no hesitation, she jumped right on and they were off.
When they got back she was quick to let us know that when they got stuck in the mud she was a little scared, but she was "so brave with Aaron".

That was her "line" for the next few days.  "Remember when I went on the doodle bug ride with Aaron?  I was so brave with Aaron."

What a good sport Aaron was!! :)

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