Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hands Across The Border

Avery's Girl Scout Troop participated in their second Hands Across the Border event.

 It's a day celebrating international friendship.  It's a fun event for the girls as they trade SWAPS (Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere) that they've hand-made with other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from the U.S. and Canada.  The Boy Scouts also attend this event, and they trade mostly patches.  There are THOUSANDS of people that attend.

This is Alice and her Mom.  Michelle is Avery's FABULOUS Girl Scout Troop leader.

We did a lot of swapping, had lunch and then got ready for the parade.

Last year we just watched the parade of troops through the Peace Arch.  This year, the girls marched!!  It was fun.  LOTS to see!!
Here they were getting lined up and ready to go....

It was another successful Girl Scout event.

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