Saturday, June 18, 2011

Horseback Riding

Avery sold a lot of Girl Scout cookies this year.
Her whole troop sold a LOT of Girl Scout cookies.

So...the girls got to vote on how they would like to spend their earned money.
Most of it went to "others".  A shopping trip to buy things for the pediatric wing of our hospital and for dogs and cats at the Humane Society. 
Another portion went to the girls.
ALL of the 8 girls wanted to go horseback riding.
After being rained out, we finally got it re-scheduled and they finally got their time with the horses!

I think the pictures speak for themselves.  Just look at the faces on these girls.  They had a blast!!!

They sat so attentively and patiently through all of the safety talk....

They got their helmets on and were ready to go!!!

There were 5 horses and the girls took turns going on little trail rides.  They each got to ride all of the horses a few different times.  Avery was a little nervous to begin with....

By the second or third time through, she was relaxed and having fun!!

The girls even got to trot a bit....

Once the trail rides were finished, the girls all came together and learned the best way to feed a horse a treat. 

The girls had a GREAT time!  I have a feeling we'll be back!

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