Saturday, June 18, 2011

Season of Service

Our school was contacted by a community service program that was interested in spending a Saturday doing volunteer work.  They organized an amazing event and on that day had 177 volunteers at the school working.

Both Mark and I felt it would be great to be a part of.  A great way to teach our kids about coming together as a community and how important that is.  So, we loaded the girls in the car, signed up for whatever job needed to be done, put on our yellow t-shirts and got to painting!  It was a modest job....painting the foundation.

But the girls really dug in and got into their job!!!
It was an amazing experience!!!  Such a fantastic sense of community.
As a member of the Central staff, I can honestly say the school looks FANTASTIC!  And for people who don't know the school or the population we serve.....this "face-lift" was well-deserved!!!

The kids were amazed on Monday morning!!!  The new landscaping, bright and colorful 4-square lines, a new map of the United states, and soooooooo much more were such a treat!!!  It felt great to have been part of the transformation!  And they are so proud of their new and improved school.

Then, what a surprise it was when we went out on the porch to get our local paper (The Ferndale Record) on Wednesday and hear Annalise say...." Hey....that Avery!!  And me."  Yep.  There we were....front page.  It sure feels good to get involved and make a positive difference.  You could see the look of pride on Avery's face, too.

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