Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memorial Day

We miss our Uncle Geoff and Auntie Robin.
It was sooooooo great spending time together over Memorial Day weekend.
We went to Duvall for a SHORT little visit.

The weather was nice enough to get outside and visit the park.

According to Annalise, "this is the best park EVER!!!!", she was squealing as Uncle Geoff pushed her higher and higher on the swings!! :)  Best day of her life!!  Seriously!  (Wish I had a picture!)

Auntie Robin even had cupcakes for the girls to help bake!

After a fun day of playing together, Auntie Robin was ready to snuggle up and have AVERY read her some stories.  Annalise decided she needed to be right there in the middle, too! :)

Sigh.  Wish we could do this more often.
We're still working on getting them to move CLOSER!!! :)

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