Thursday, June 9, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Schneider couldn't have picked a better weekend to come visit!
The weather was spectacular!!!  And after the winter and spring we've had.....all we wanted to do was be OUTSIDE!!!!

So outside we were!!!!
We played and played and played in the backyard, took a trip to Ferndale's Farmer's Market and had a picnic at the beach.  It was a LOVELY weekend!!!!

Annalise found a new species of crab.....the elusive "KERMIT cLrab".

And no matter what the weather....there is ALWAYS time for snuggling and reading books!!!
We love our Grandma and Grandpa!!!

LOVED visiting with Grandma and Grandpa. 
Come again soon!  (And bring the sunshine back with you!)

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