Sunday, November 6, 2011

Being 40

Yes....I said it.  40.  And yes, turning 40 was a bit of a struggle for me. 
But you know what....I've got it good.  I LOVE my life at 40!!!! 

I am so thankful for all that I have at 40.  My beautiful and healthy family, safe and secure jobs....pretty much a life that I love living day after day for so many more reasons.

I was adament that I wanted to celebrate my birthday away from home so there was no chance of a "party".  Especially a SURPRISE party.  Not a fan of those.  I chose Vegas and asked some friends to join us.  We had a BLAST!!!

 I felt well-celebrated every step of the way!!!  From the moment we got off the airplane and a man in a suit was holiding a sign for us waiting to get in a limo...I felt so special!!!

We stayed at Mandalay Bay and got our share of pool time....(it was 90-92 degrees our entire stay...ahhhhhh!!!!).

Love, love, love VEGAS!!!  Where else can you see an alien just hanging out on the sidewalk???

It was a great birthday weekend!!!!  Thanks friends!!! :)

And thanks to Grandma and Grandpa who made the weekend possible!!!  I think the girls had just as much fun at home playing with them!  So nice to be able to leave and not worry about the kids every second!!! :)

From Harvest Festival face painting.....

To playing in the park....

Thanks everyone!!!!  40 is not so bad.......

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