Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pumpkin CARVING!!!

Once we HAD the pumpkins, so began the process of carving.

The girls each found their patterns online....Avery wanted a sea turtle, Annalise had to have Rapunzel.  And so it began.....

Avery worked and worked on her pumpkin.  She didn't want help...think this was the first time she truly did the entire pumpkin on her own!  VERY impressive!!!  The sea turtle turned out SUPER awesome!!!

Annalise lost interest in Rapunzel when she realized she couldn't just cut wherever she wanted and have it look like Rapunzel's hair.  Needless to say....Rapunzel turned out to be MY project.  Annalise hung in there....but coloring on paper became WAYYYYY more fun!!!

Finally they were finished!!!!

Time to light them up!!!!

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