Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Me N' My Guy Red Carpet Ball

Avery talked her Daddy into taking her to a Valentine's Ball.
I guess "talked in to" is pretty loose.  She asked her Dad to take her and he melted in the palm of her hand!!! :)  The two of them had a very grown-up evening!!!

He took her to dinner at a FANCY restaurant.  She was very quick to point out that she was the ONLY kid in the restaurant except for a tiny baby!! :)  Then....they were off to the Leopold Hotel Ballroom in Bellingham for the "BALL".   They did some dancing and  had their picture taken.

After the "BALL", they hit Dairy Queen for dessert! :)

Avery was BEAMING when she got home.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Daddy and daugher date night!!!!

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