Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So this was the first year Annalise had to write Valentine cards to her friends at preschool.
At first she had a hard time understanding the concept.  Then....she FULLY understood that....she gives one to them....they give one to her. :)  AWESOME!!!!

She picked them out....Barbie for the girls, Kung Fu Panda for the boys.  Then we compromised.  She decided that writing her WHOLE name would just take wayyyyyyyy to long, so how about she write the "A" and I finish her name.  Hmmmm.....well.....instead of taking WEEKS to finish the Valentines, I agreed.  And I think she actually had more fun doing them then she had anticipated!!! :)

And Avery.....well.....she just went after her list!!!!  Took her about the same amount of time as Annalise and I working as a team!!!   Yay Avery!!!

Happy Valentine's Day Friends!!!

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