Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Part Two

It's been a long time since we've had a family picture taken!  In fact, it was before Elsa and Annalise arrived!  So....we seized the opportunity on Christmas Eve.  Some good friends of Grandma and Grandpa came over and took a picture for us.  Too bad Annalise was not in her happy place. 
Oh well...we do the best we can do! :)  9 out of 10 is pretty good!

 We had a great spaghetti dinner and then did our annual Christmas Caroling!

Then it was time to get ready for Santa's arrival....
Avery wrote the note....

Annalise prepared the goodies....

Avery says she heard some foot/hoofprints on the roof in the middle of the night.  
And lo and behold, when we woke up in the morning...Santa had visited!!
We waited for the cousins to arrive and then we dug into the stockings!

We opened lots of presents and snacked and played all day!

We were even treated to a magic show!

It was a great celebration with family!
Merry Christmas!!!

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