Sunday, December 9, 2012

Olde Fashioned Christmas 2012

Nothing says Christmas in Ferndale like the Olde Fashioned Christmas in Pioneer Park.
Mark was out of town for the weekend, but the girls and I decided to go without him on Friday night.  I'm glad we is always such a fun time!  This year proved to be the same.  
It was a little cold and wet, but we ran from house to house to keep warm!

 First stop was the school house to write letters to Santa!

Avery's friend Gwenyth was volunteering in the school house!
 (I see this in Avery's future!  She thought that was really cool!)

Next stop was the post office to mail the letters off to Santa....

 A quick dash over to the type-setter's office. The girls each made a Christmas card.

Next was the Jenni House.
It smelled really good when we got in there with the cookies baking!
The girls each cut out a cookie and went to make a Christmas dream catcher while they were baking.

The barn had the big draft horses and a nice photo op! :)

It was getting late and we wanted to be sure and go to each house, so we rushed through a couple with no pictures!  Then we got to the Tillicum House.  We peeled and ate some apple slices, and tasted the homemade applesauce! Yum!

There were some beautiful angels to look at while we were waiting to see Santa....

Then it was our turn!
Annalise went first.....
 She told Santa that her sister was afraid of him and asked if he would please bring her a sparkly shirt with matching pants.

When Annalise was done I thought Avery might give Santa a shy wave and keep moving, but boy did she surprise us when she went and sat on his lap!!!!

She asked if he would please bring her a sparkly long-sleeved shirt.
(What's with these girls and their sparkles!?!?)
 *Avery later informed me that this guy was as close to the real deal as she could tell!  He had a real beard, could hear them talking and wasn't at all creepy.  She suspects that it was Santa himself....didn't send his helper in this time! :)

Our last stop was the church.
So pretty and peaceful.

We were lucky enough to catch the last "sleigh" ride of the night!
Another wonderful start to the Christmas season!!!

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