Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Tribute To The 80's!

Avery's elementary school did THE best spring program I have EVER seen!
I've been to quite a few elementary school programs and I am totally serious when I say that.
It was a tribute to the 1980's.
Okay, so it appealed to the parents quite a bit....but honestly...Avery loved learning these songs, too!  We kept hearing about "Don't Stop Believing" and "We Got the Beat".
Her music teacher taught them all about Martha Quinn, Allan Hunter and MTV.

Truly....Best. Elementary. Concert. EVER.

(Unfortunately I am having issues downloading video ?! 
I'll continue to work on it and get some more highlights posted once
I do more investigating!!! 
For now...."The Safety Dance" is the best I can do. :) )

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