Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oh Yes We Did.....

We had been talking about replacing the truck for a while.
The girls are still young enough that we will continue traveling throughout the summer with the trailer for a while.  And truth is....they are only getting BIGGER!
When we look at them in the backseat, there isn't a whole lot of room for them.
(Especially when Annalise hooks up the blanket contraption!)

Annalise has been known to get a little carsick.  
You know, just a little upset stomach, whiny, blech--kind of carsick.  
She's never actually thrown up. 
We have her look out the window, get some fresh air and she usually recovers quickly.
Less quickly in the truck because there isn't a lot of window space to see out when she's tucked away in the back seat.

On our way down to Geoff and Robin's she started pulling the same whiny, I don't feel good thing. 
We did our usual roll the window down, look up and out the window trick.
 We were already running late, so we told Geoff and Robin we would just meet them at the restaurant in Duvall for lunch.  We were literally MINUTES away and the whining turned into barfing.  All in her lap and on the floor mat in the truck.  UGH!!!!!!
Yes, it was time. The talking turned into action.

Suffice it to say.....Moby was a good truck.
We left Geoff and Robin's the next day and bought Sharkey. 
(That's the first name that Annalise came up with...not sure if it will stick or not?!)

It has ACRES of room in the back for the girls!
Annalise has control of her own window to roll down and get fresh air ANYTIME she wants!
We are pretty excited about spending hours and hours traveling this summer in Sharkey!!

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