Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall Camping

We decided to do one last camping trip of the season.
We went to Howard Miller Steelhead Park on the Skagit River.
Another one of our favorite camping spots.
It was the first camping trip that Avery brought a friend along.

We spent a lot of time traveling in the car this summer.
Our family loves our music.
We seem to create a soundtrack each summer and this year was no different.
One of our favorite jams this sumemer was Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' "Can't Hold Us".
The girls know just about every word because we listened to it so much over the summer.
Poor Kelsey didn't know what she was getting into.....
this is how our trip began....

We got there just ahead of the rain the first night.
We were able to enjoy a fire and hang out a bit.

Jeff, Katie and their girls joined us.
So did our friend Brandi.

Through the night the sky seriously OPENED UP!!!!  It POURED all night. 
I remember waking up at one point in the middle of the night thinking how thankful I was that we were warm and dry in our trailer!!!!

When we woke up the next morning, we realized that the trailer had a leak.
The cabinets on one side of the kitchen were SOAKED!  
We couldn't tell where the leak was coming from, so there wasn't much we could do.

So....we made the best of the day while we were there.
The salmon were running, so Mark and Jeff were anxious to get out and do some fishing.
We met up with them after a little time at the awesome playground!!!!

The fish were dying along the shores....Annalise did NOT love the smell....

We headed back to camp and the boys followed not long after for a little break.

We had fun....even in the rain.
Now we just need to figure out why the trailer was leaking.

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