Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Little Aloha

Our parents are getting older.
All four of them have had battles with their health over the past few years.

We were so worried about Grams this summer.
When she couldn't make it to Ft. Flagler we became really concerned about her health.
We should know that she is one tough cookie who has bounced back many a time from some serious health problems.  
This time was the same....Grams and Gramps called us at the end of September and told us they were going to Hawaii in a couple of weeks.
What?  For Reals?
Yep.....and they COULDN'T WAIT!!!!!!

They flew out of Bellingham so we got to see them for a quick visit, too!

They had an AMAZING trip!!!!
They found their "aloha"!
THIS makes me smile.....

Same with Grandma.
She and Grandpa had booked a trip to Hawaii last year and had to cancel their trip for her surgery and treatment for cancer.
She is also a tough cookie who has beaten cancer once again!!!
She and Grandpa were able to take that trip to Hawaii this October as well.
They FULLY enjoyed every moment.
THIS also makes me smile....

We are so glad our parents are enjoying retirement.
THIS does our hearts good.

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