Thursday, October 31, 2013


Halloween kind of snuck up on us this year.  We were so busy we didn't even make our annual trek to the pumpkin patch!  We had to choose pumpkins from the grocery store....
it was slim pickins'...but we found some.

 Geoff and Robin even came up to see the girls' last soccer game of the season the Saturday before.
Brrrrrr.....but they were good sports!

Then....after soccer and dinner we got to work on our pumpkin carving!

Avery's owl and Annalise's "Meowna Lisa"....
 (yes we used patterns...)

Robin and Geoff went patterns.
 And somehow...we never got a picture of Mark's super cool Seahawk logo pumpkin.

Halloween was on a Thursday night this year.

The Bumblebee...

And the '50's Girl...

Mark took them out through the neighborhood while I stayed home and handed out candy.  We did our usual tallying of trick-or-treaters and with better weather this year, our grand total was 150.

The girls had a blast and got another ton of candy!!

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