Sunday, October 13, 2013

Soccer Saturdays

With both girls playing soccer this fall, our Saturdays pretty much revolve around SOCCER.
Sometimes the games happened at near or the same time.
Other days, they were a couple of hours apart.
Either way....
we got used to soccer Saturdays!!!

Annalise's team thought it would be super cool if each girl had a matching tutu to wear as part of the uniform.  One of the moms helped the dream become reality and the girls each got their own soccer tutu.  Sometimes they wore them....

 For picture day they didn't....

Avery was a great spectator for her sister....

And did some great playing of her own!!!

Gotta love Soccer Saturdays!!!

(***Both girls have decided to NOT play soccer this Spring.
I must admit....I am NOT sad we won't have Soccer Saturdays.)

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