Sunday, November 30, 2014


As we enter into the holiday season I find myself both sad and happy.
It's more of the "firsts".  
The first Thanksgiving, the first Christmas, the first birthday.....etc.
I am so very sad that my Mom isn't with us anymore.
I'm happy for the wonderful times that we had with her.
Finding the balance is going to be tricky at times.

I was very thankful that my Dad decided to come back again for Thanksgiving.
The day itself was a little bittersweet.
(Mostly sweet, though!)

Annalise was a GREAT pie baking helper!

The day was beautiful....a gorgeous fall day that Mom would have loved!

And our dinner was perfect.....

The day after Thanksgiving was our usual Christmas tree getting day!!!!
The weather was super mild......

The next day Mark and Gramps took the girls snowboard shopping.
This seemed like the perfect year to get them on the mountain!
When you're in 5th grade you ski for FREE at Mt. Baker.  AND...if you're 6 and under you're FREE.
So....the girls are all "geared" up and ready for snow!!!!!

And the next day was spent "Christmas-ifying" the house!

Which also includes the hiding of the "pickle" ornament.
Gramps did a good job hiding it...but Avery was quick to find it!

 The final day before heading back to school and work involved a pull on the wishbone.
Annalise was determined to "win" this year.

 And she did!!!

I hope her wish comes true.
I'm so thankful for the life we have.

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