Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day

For a very long time Avery has wanted to invite her Grandpa to join her at one of her Veteran's Day assemblies.  We've never been quite organized enough to give him enough notice to make it over.  But this year it FINALLY worked out!!!!

The girls were super excited that Grandpa was going to be there at school with them!
The assembly began with the Pledge of Allegiance....
This year Avery's class was representing the United States Air Force.

She spoke a bit....

And when it came time to honor the United States Army, Grandpa got to stand up and tell when he served and give a little shout out to his granddaughters in the audience!

We are so proud of Grandpa....and so glad he could be here with us to see him honored!

We had a great visit over the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa!
As usual....there was game playing....

....and performances!

And a little sigh of relief from Grandma when she realized that she was still just a TINY bit taller than Avery!!! :)

Don't think she'll be taller for long though!

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