Sunday, August 10, 2014

Continuing the Celebration

After the "formal" Celebration of Life, we had some friends and family 
come back up to my Dad's house for a BBQ. 

Lots of people stopping for pictures in the sunflowers!
Geoff and Robin took Avery and Annalise (there were lots of bees!)....

And got pictures with the cousins while they were there, too.

 So bright and cheerful.
Deep sigh.
It was so nice to see people we hadn't seen in a really long time!
I didn't take ANY pictures that day....
( thanks to those who sent some to me! :) 

There were way more people there than I have pictures of....

My Aunt Pat and 3 of her daughters came up from Santa Barbara.
They actually stayed in town for a few days so we had lots of time to visit and catch up.

Aunt Pat
Cindy (and Mallory)

Even an old friend of my Mom and Dad's, Neil,  came up from California for the Celebration.

My Aunt Sue and Uncle Rob and their two boys Jeff and Josh came.

Mark's whole family was there, too....

The kids ran around and played, took the Doodle Bug for rides, did some karaoke, 
played ping pong and had a great time!

There were so many people.
It felt so good celebrating my Mom with so many people.

Even the grown-ups had some karoke time!

And our girls got to have a "camp-out sleepover" in the tent with 
Guac and Carisa's girls Skyla and Emera!

The day was exhausting.
Both emotionally and physically.
And when it was done, I felt good.
It was therapeutic.
It was nice hearing about my Mom.
People had so many stories I hadn't ever heard.
She meant so much to so many people.

I miss her every single day.
 And I smile when I think of her.

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