Monday, August 25, 2014

Ft. Flagler

We came home for a few days and then headed back out for the last trip of the summer.
The annual trip to Ft. Flagler.
I was so happy my Dad was going to meet us there this year!

Avery's friend Alice came with us for a few days, too!

The ferry ride always gets us so excited!
You can look right across the water and see where we camp!

The girls hit the playground and the beach right away!

The next day we decided to do the scavenger hunt up at the Ft. Flagler museum.

We needed to explore the bank heads and bunkers along the way!

While we were in the gift store Annalise spotted something she HAD TO HAVE.
And actually....she has had her eye on this thing for a few years now and I always say "no...not today".  Well...she said she would wear it as her Halloween costume this year.
So cute!!!!
Ranger Annie!!!

Back to the beach for some awesome sand "city" building!

The next day we decided to go to Port Townsend and do the touch tanks before getting Alice back on the ferry to go home.  Unfortunately, we didn't do our research.  We picked the ONE day of the week they were closed.  Soooooo....we did lunch at the 50's diner....

And explored the town a bit....

Then we took Alice back across the water to meet her mom. :)

We knew that we wanted to make it over to Lyre River while we were on the peninsula.
It was a place that my family camped at when I was little.
My Grandpa (Mom's Dad) loved it there as well...he and my Grandma did a lot of fishing and crabbing and spent LOTS of time at Lyre River in their retirement.  When my Grandpa passed away, we all took a trip to Lyre River to put some of his ashes there.
My Mom loved it there, too.
So....we decided to put some of her ashes there with Grandpa.
Unfortunately the campground has since been gated off and closed.
We needed to get creative to get there.
We found a different campground with access to the beach.

My Dad and I hiked WAYYYYY down the beach to the old Lyre River Campground.
It was just as pretty as I remembered.
We took a deep breath and let her go.

Down the river and out to the ocean.

It was a great trip.
We got back to the campground and had
some playground time around sunset...

It was a good day to say another goodbye to Mom.

The next day Avery and I did some exploring on our bikes....

Annalise and Gramps had some fishing time.
(Avery and I caught up with them at the end of our ride.)

No fish....but all that hard work definitely called for an ice cream cone!

Our friend Jeff and his two girls Allie and Lauren got there that afternoon.
There was a lot of time on the beach!

Even Charlie loves the beach!

Avery created another super cool castle "city"!

That night it was time for the concert in the Henry Bankhead.
WooHoo....a longstanding tradition!
We couldn't wait to get there!

There was lots of dancing....

And a very "mature" crowd. (Aside from us!)

Back to the beach for yet another beautiful sunset.

 The following day we decided to go on a guided tour of the bunkers.
Our tour guide was VERY enthusiastic! He had a LOT to say!

We all did pretty good for the first hour or so...but then he lost us.
It was all worth it for the ice cream at the end!
(Did I mention we ate a lot of ice cream that week?)

Around sunset, Jeff took the kids to the park and my Dad,
Mark and I said another goodbye to my Mom.
Dad brought more ashes and we let her go at another of her favorite beaches!

The girls came back and we all enjoyed the beautiful sunset.

Everyone else left the next day so we decided to head back into
town and go to the touch tanks.
The girls always love it there....

The octopus was there.  Super cool. The lady who "over-shared" about
octopus reproduction last year with Avery was NOT there this year

Then it was back to the beach for some fishing with Dad.

Ft. Flagler just doesn't get old to us.
Same sunset....

Same park....

We stayed for 10 nights and it didn't feel too long.
So...until next year.....

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