Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Music of the 70's

Right after our long weekend at Great Wolf Lodge, Avery had her spring music program.
The title was....
The Music of the 70's--With Casey Kasem and American Top 40.

Talk about bringing back some memories!!!

They sang songs like The Muppet Theme, Old Time Rock and Roll, John Lennon's Imagine, Y.M.C.A. and ended the show with Joy to The World
 (That one brought a tear to my eye! I knew Grams was smiling and singing along! :) ).

Can you see her???  Far left....almost hiding behind the curtain!

Avery had a speaking part as an "announcer" between songs.
She did the "Mikey" Life commercial!

Another great performance!  Our girls have been so lucky to have such an awesome music teacher!
We all LOVE Mrs. Bianco!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Great Wolf Lodge

Mark had another conference at the Great Wolf Lodge.
This time....we all wanted to go!
I took some personal days and we tagged along.
We even made a play date....Avery's friend Kelsey moved away this year.  
They'd been missing each other horribly.  I knew that their new house was fairly close to Great Wolf Lodge, so I threw the invite out.  Turns out, Kelsey and her Mom were totally game!  
Kelsey's birthday was the week after, so this trip would be part of her birthday gift!  YAY!

Annalise was super excited because this time she would be big enough to go on ALL of the slides!
(*She went on all of them but the Howling Tornado!)
We paused when we got there to take a quick picture, but then it was on to the water park!

That evening, Kelsey, Avery and Annalise went to begin their "Magic Quest".
They were able to use the wands from their previous trip as well and "sync" 
their quest so they could keep the progress Avery had made the last time! 
While they were gone, Brooke and I decorated their room for Kelsey's birthday surprise!

Since it was just Kelsey and her Mom, they had room for Avery to spend the night!
The girls were SUPER excited!!

Annalise and I headed down to watch the "show" in the lobby.

It's a pretty cool place!!!
So MUCH to see and do!!!

The next day the girls were up and off doing the Magic Quest first thing.

Then there was PLENTY of time in the water park!
(I was never brave enough to take an electronic device in there! pictures from inside the water park!)

After some good times at the water park, we promised the girls some Dippin' Dots.

Kelsey and her Mom were heading out that afternoon.
The girls were sad to say goodbye, but we were soooo glad they came to meet us!

After Kelsey left, Avery was determined to finish the Quest!!!!

Then....earlier than expected....Mark finished with his meetings for the day!!!
There was time for balloon animal making....


More Magic Quest, dinner, some "Mommy Juice"....

 and then.....NIGHT TIME at the water park!!!!!!!!

The next morning, Mark had just one session before we were going to pack up and head home.
 We started with some steamed vanilla milk and hot cocoa!!

Avery was DETERMINED to slay the Silver Dragon.
 They did their studying...

It took most of the morning.
And by the time we were all packed up and ready to check out, there was a long line of kids waiting to meet a dragon.  Avery just COULDN'T leave without accomplishing the grand finale!!!
She tried it once and didn't get it.
We went back again and had the Magic Quest Master (one of the employees!) help us out.
And SHE DID IT (Annalise even helped a little)!!!!!!!!!

Way to go Avery!!!!!!
Another fun and exciting trip to the Great Wolf Lodge!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

After Avery and Jocelyn's cake "mishap", Annalise and I were still hungry for cake!
(The other cake didn't really get eaten!)
The two of us decided to make another for Valentine's Day.
Annalise worked hard....(she said there was NO WAY she was using egg whites!)


Happy Valentine's Day!

 Loved sharing it with our favorite girls!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Annie Fishy Boo Boo

Annalise LOVES swimming.
In fact, she likes it when we call her "Annie Fishy Boo Boo".
It's a combination of all her nicknames.

She started swim lessons through the YMCA again.
Yep....back to the Super 8 Motel in Ferndale!!!

She's doing great....she'll be ready for the Palm Springs pool in no time!

By the end of lessons, she was swimming the length of the pool and stopping and treading water throughout.  We are super proud of our little fish!!!

Nice work Annalise!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Our Seahawks made it to the Super Bowl again!!!
We were soooo excited!!!!! 
(And Gramps came over for the party!!)

We had lots of people over and we shared lots of snacks!
To start the party....there was a "Wing Off"!!!
Everyone brought their own special wing recipe.

We sampled and voted.
Carter's entry...."SAVE THE WANGS" took first place!!!!
(We're pretty sure the kids stuffed the ballot box! ;) )

She even got a wing trophy that Mark made! 

The littles were more interested in playing than watching!

And really....up until the 4th quarter we all thought they were crazy!!
There were lots of snacks.....
(Katie went crazy with the theme snacks! :) )

And drinks....

And in the end....the Seahawks lost.  
It was a sad ending...but we are still Hawk fans! 
There's always next year!!!!
Go Hawks!!!!!!!!!!!!