Saturday, October 31, 2015


The weekend before Halloween was a little rough for me.
Friday morning at school the whole classroom started spinning.
Apparently I had vertigo!  It was awful!  Unfortunately it lasted all weekend.

Friday night was Avery's first middle school dance.
She and her friend Hannah dressed up as minions....

It was also the night of the fall festival at Skyline.
So...super Daddy Mark stepped in and did it all.
Took the girls to the dance, then took Annalise to the fall festival!

I was pretty much down for the count, but the girls finished up the Halloween decorations.
Avery and Isa helped Mark with his spider web!

After a trip to the doctor and some amazing head tilting exercises I was much better by Tuesday!
Just in time for the craziness of Halloween!

We carved pumpkins the night before....

Then Guac, Carisa and the girls came up to go trick or treating with us!
Carisa helped with the makeup...

Guac supervised....
(as Alan from The Hangover)

Then it was time to go.
A whole group of middle schoolers came by to pick up Avery and Emera....

Then the littles were ready to hit the neighborhood!

It was a great (and productive) Halloween!!!

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