Sunday, November 29, 2015


November flew right by....
an orchestra concert, school, weekend play dates and sleepovers.
Before we knew it, Thanksgiving was here!

Charlie was thankful for his new bed.
We've had him for over 3 years and the poor guy has never had a special bed.
The time came....and he's in HEAVEN!!!

Gramps came to visit for Thanksgiving!!!
The night before, the girls helped make the pumpkin pies.

Thanksgiving Day was spent hanging out.
We played HeadBands...
You get a card to put on your forehead for everyone else to see.
Then you ask yes or no questions to figure out what you are.
This was NOT Gramps' favorite game!

And in the game of Life, 
Annalise got fired for taking her cat to work with her.

Dinner was awesome.
We are all so lucky.

Even the girls got their sparkling cider in a fancy glass!

And a while later...we indulged in pumpkin pie.
Yum.  One of the best parts of the Thanksgiving FEAST!

The next day we headed to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree!
It's an annual event....

And it was a GORGEOUS day!
Great for taking pictures!

The weekend continued with the decorating of the house for Christmas!
We got the lights on the house, the tree up (and decorated) and the train all set up!


The girls even got their Christmas crafts finished!

And lots of time to hang out with Gramps.
Annalise loved reading to him!

We have so much to be thankful for.

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