Saturday, December 26, 2015

A White Christmas

There are many things we look forward to in Spokane at Christmas.
Of course time with our family tops the list.
Next up...we LOVE the snow!
This year didn't disappoint!
So. Much. Snow.

When we are at the Cota house, Annalise asks for the "village". 
It's a Playskool toy that was mine as a little girl.
Nothing fancy...but it's one of those things that is familiar there.
She loves to play with it! (So did Avery!)

 Christmas Eve day was spent playing in the snow for some...

working in the snow for others!

 We were ready for Lori, Jeff and Mallory to arrive!!

We couldn't forget the cookies!
We needed something to set out for Santa.
So, we got out Grams' old cookie cutters and Great Grandma's cookie recipe and got to work! 

We did some catching up then got to the present opening!

Gramps got Avery a 22!!
Look out!  She's almost a black belt and is now armed.
Boys beware! ;)

We were all spoiled and so grateful for all that we have!

Dinner was smelling rib.
Ohhhhh boyyyyy!!!!!

After dinner we talked to Aunt Pat and the rest of the Santa Barbara 'familia'.
We had to show them all the snow we had up north, so we posed for a family picture!

Lori and Jeff left and it was time for us to get ready for bed.
Annalise got things ready for Santa!!!
(She also had a little reindeer food to sprinkle outside.)

 Mallory spent the night and woke up with the girls out in Gramps' trailer on Christmas morning!
They made the cold trek in from the shop!

Santa had stopped by!!!

How does Santa do it?
He knew exactly what Annalise was talking about when she said she wanted the giant stuffed horse!
It seemed to be the EXACT one she saw at the store!!!!

So happy!

Santa also knew just what Avery wanted!
A bluetooth speaker for her room!

 More presents...
more time to be grateful.

Even Charlie was happy.
He would run around in the snow for a while, get a crazy icicle slobber, come in to warm up 
and then want right back outside! 

Oh yeah...there was a dance party, too!

Mallory left to go be with Lori and Jeff's family.
So we enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL day in the snow! 

The girls were anxious to get outside and do some sledding.
The three of us headed out and found a great place to make a sledding route.
We got to work packing down the snow (it was DEEP!!!!) all the way down into the trees.
It was about that point that I saw this....
the moose!!!!

I honestly didn't know what to do.  It was so cool!
It was sooooo close.
Then I sort of panicked.
I slowly and calmly told the girls to start heading back up the hill.
I wasn't sure if it was a mama with a baby or what....I certainly didn't want us to get in the way of it!
We watched from a distance until we saw it head down the hill and cross the road to the neighboring field.

Phew! it's time for sledding!

So much fun!
We were all tired and ready for some hot cocoa after a couple of hours playing on our little sledding hill. 

We had a lovely ham and scalloped potato Christmas dinner!

Finally, a game of cards for everyone!
Skip-Bo....a favorite of MY grandparents!

What a great Christmas.
The next day we were off to Grandma and Grandpa's for another Christmas!
As we were pulling out of Gramps' driveway, we saw the moose back in the same spot.
This time Mark got to see it!
Goodbye Moose!!!

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