Tuesday, December 29, 2015

More Family Christmas

 We had a night with just Grandma and Grandpa before Paul, Katrina and the girls got back from their vacation in Mexico.  Brody was representing their family!
He and Charlie did pretty well together.
Not the best of friends, but at least tolerated each other!

One of those 'familiar' things at Grandma and Grandpa's house are the books.
It's always fun to get out the same books we've always read at their house.
Some from when Mark was a little boy.

The girls had a yummy hot chocolate spoon the next morning while they were 
anxiously awaiting the arrival of their cousins! 

 They finally made it!
The brothers.

The bigs.

The littles.

 We settled in and started some serious present opening.
Again....so spoiled and grateful for what we have.

Lots of laughing!
Silly Bella....bows are for packages.

After presents, the bigs decided they wanted to go play in the snow for a bit.
The dogs were happy to go out with them!

The littles were happy to stay inside and build some Lego Friends!

When the bigs had finished in the snow, Avery curled Bella's hair with her new curling wand.
Only one minor burn when Bella was trying it out on Avery! ;)
It was a great day with family!

The next day we went out to Patty and Rhys's for a visit.
The Marciels were in town from Hawaii for Christmas.
It's always so nice spending time with them and catching up....
.....and Patty is seriously the best hostess ever.
She always makes us feel so comfortable.
Love this extended family of ours!

That night we had one last chance to play cards.
The game 'Perfect'.
It's always a fun game...and the winner gets the honor of being 'Perfect' for the next 24 hours!
It can get a little tense....especially with these three....they're just a little competitive.

Avery even joined us and she hung right in there!

We left the snow behind the next day.
Another awesome Christmas in Spokane.
It's never easy leaving all of our family behind, but it was so very nice 
to see everyone and spend some good, quality time together.

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