Saturday, February 6, 2016

San Juan Music Educators

Avery began orchestra this year in 6th grade.
She's only been playing the viola for 4 months.
She and her two friends Isa and Alexa decided that they would participate in this year's 
San Juan Music Educators Regional Ensemble Contest.
They were the only 6th graders from Vista who chose to compete.
They practiced for a couple of months on the song "Bingo".
The contest takes place on a Saturday.
This year's contest was at a middle school in Bellingham.
There are a number of classrooms set up where contestants go in and play their piece in front of a judge 
(a member of the SJMEA).
The girls were assigned to play first.
Right at 8:00am!!
They had very little idea what to expect.
The judge invited them and their families into the room.
And was go time!
 They were all nervous....

They did their best and got great praise from their judge for simply being there and giving it a try.
She had some specific feedback for Alexa and Isa. 
Avery....well....the judge couldn't think of a thing, she told her she played "flawlessly". 
They corrected some things and tried a couple more times.

In all, it was a great experience.
When they got their score back from their judge, it was very positive, 
and she encouraged them to keep up the good work!

Great job Avery!
We're so proud of you always wanting to try new things!

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