Sunday, February 28, 2016

Taekwondo and Guys and Dolls

We had a busy last weekend of February!
Avery had her last Taekwondo belt test before her big black belt test.
Emma was there to cheer her on!

We're so proud of Avery's commitment to Taekwondo!
She has worked very hard to get to this point!
Can't wait until she tests for her black belt in JUNE!!!

We were also excited to go see the Ferndale High School production of Guys and Dolls!
Calli's brother Alex had the lead role, so we got to sit "V.I.P." with her family!
Ella joined us along with some of Avery's friends.
Luckily the "littles" were ok having me sit with them!
It was such a great show!

Followed by a fun sleepover with Ella and Emma.
Thankfully the "bigs" were willing to entertain for a bit.
(P.S. they were TERRIBLE spies!)

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