Sunday, August 30, 2009

Joey and Casey's Wedding

Mark's cousin Joey got married in Leavenworth last weekend. was at the Mountain Springs Lodge in Plain (just outside of Leavenworth).
You chould check this place was SOOOO cool!

The wedding was AWESOME! Everything about it! There were MANY personal touches which made it even more special.

The wedding began with a gospel choir singing the way out to the meadow where the ceremony would take place. They were phenomenal!!!! (Wish I had gotten video....)

Joey and his parents....Theresa and George.

Mary the Minister (and sister of the groom)....

Avery thought the bride arriving in a carriage pulled by a white horse was the coolest thing ever!! Talk about a fairytale beginning!!!! She looked GORGEOUS!

The ceremony was great....And a good time was had by all at the reception!!!

The newly married couple got things started off right with their first dance. My camera batteries were dying so I could only take little snippets! Which is REALLY too bad because I do believe this was the BEST first dance I've ever seen in person!!! :)

The beginning......

The middle.....

Got it goin on.....

We all had a great time at the wedding!!!
It was fun seeing all of the Jeannots and as always.....the girls loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa and their cousins!

(Don't the little sisters look happy about this picture?! :) )

It was a nice weekend and a wonderful wedding! Congrats to Joey and Casey!

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