Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Visit with the Schneiders

We had such a great time in Spokane! It was HOT....but luckily we were able to escape the heat by cooling off in the pool, the water park and the spray parks. Not to mention the A/C! :) (We're actually a little glad that we were in Spokane during the heat wave and not home with NO A/C!)

We FINALLY got to meet our new niece Elsa. She's darling. She fits right in with the family...you'd think she had always been around! Bella is a great big sister and it was fun seeing the new family dynamics!

Bella and Avery entertained each other every moment they were together! They had a great time playing, dancing, telling secrets and putting on performances for the family!

Avery was QUITE impressed that Bella was reading "LEVEL 4" books! :)

Grandma and Grandpa LOVED having all the grand-girls together!

It's always so nice to get everyone together....this time was no exception!

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