Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Imagination Movers

Avery loves the show Imagination Movers on the Disney Channel. It's a show about 4 guys who help people solve problems....they're the Imagination Movers. It's really fun and has a lot of music in it. They were advertising their LIVE tour one Saturday morning. Avery thought that sounded AWESOME!!!!!!!!! After some research, we found the closest they'd be to Bellingham was Seattle.

Auntie Robin and I took Avery. It was actually a lot of fun! I'd never been to the Moore Theater before....what a cool place. The look on Avery's face when they actually came out was priceless. It was like "'s REALLY them!!!!!" So cute.

A highlight was when "Mover Rich" came up to the balcony and high-fived all the kids. (Yes, the balcony...I WASN'T paying $100/ticket to be on the main floor!) Avery claims it wasn't even CLOSE to a real high-five, but I'm not sure what else to call it!
It was a lot of fun!!! We had a good time decorating cookies and playing with the Wii when we got back to Geoff and Robin's! Avery had a captive audience!!! :) It was good to see everyone!! Clark and Cathy were there, and Avery was glad there were other kids! Scott and Erika were there with their kids. Bryson is 3 and Lila is 1 1/2.

Thanks for playing Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff!!! :) We had a great time!!!

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