Sunday, December 6, 2009


When Avery was a baby we were able to get her to sit with Santa. Obviously she had no reason to be fearful.

We tried again when Avery was 1 1/2. You can see the result. This was the best picture we got.

So....we kind of gave up on the whole Santa picture thing. She even refused last year even though we promised Annalise would be there with her. No way. Not having ANY part of the Santa thing.

This year, at 5 1/2, the big sister decided to talk to Santa to show the little sister how it's done. She thought and thought about it, and then became actually excited to see Santa. She knew he'd be at the Olde Fashioned Christmas! Ferndale has this annual Christmas tradition at Pioneer Park (a historic park in town with a bunch of log cabins). You begin the tour at the school house where each child can write a letter to Santa.

Annalise wasn't too sure about the whole thing.

But once she saw Avery writing away, she began her letter to Santa also. We're not exactly sure what she asked for, but I'm sure it was something good! :)

Avery simply wrote: "Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Avery"

So we made our way through the cabins. They had lots of craft activities for the kids, including making cookies! Yum.

Finally....the cabin with Santa Claus.

Annalise was SUPER excited to see "SANTA"! Every time shes a decoration with him on it she says "HI SANTA". So to see him in real life was pretty cool!!!! Avery got cold feet. There was just one little boy in front of us and when he was done she thought maybe she didn't want to do it. I suggested maybe standing NEXT to Santa instead of sitting on his lap. She thought that might be okay. I told Santa our plan (but I think Santa's hearing wasn't the greatest because he just smiled at me and pulled Avery over to sit on his lap). She just went with it. He asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year. "A Leapster2".

Annalise wanted to see Santa, too. Mark put her on Santa's lap.

Good thing I got the picture when I did. 30 seconds on Santa's lap MAX before she started crying. Guess Annalise likes the IDEA of Santa. Especially since she keeps bringing it up. All day today..."I see Santa". So sweet.

Way to go Avery!!!! :) HoHoHo Santa.

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