Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fort Flagler

We headed straight to Ft. Flagler after Westport and Ocean Shores.  We were excited to be there!!! This is typically our favorite trip of the summer.  It didn't disappoint again this year!!!!

Here's our campsite looking back from the beach.  We were glad to have some space again!  And we really lucked out with the weather!!!!  It was beautiful and sunny the entire time we were there.  In fact....there were some heat records broken that week!  We were thankful for the shade shacks!  (Much better than rain shacks!)

We did our usual time on the beach, playground, hanging out around camp, flying kites and riding bikes around the loops.

Geoff and Robin came over and camped with us for a couple of nights, too!  Robin brought her trademark Jiffy Pop.....

We had some fun campfires....

Each Saturday night throughout the summer, they have concerts in one of the artillery bunkers.  It's always a fun show.  This time there was a performer from Bellingham named Dana Lyons.  He had a cirque de soleil type dance troupe performing with him.  Avery thought the concert was the coolest thing EVER. 

Need I say more about the concert?!

We did the museums and bunker exploration, too.  Annalise figured out this year how AWESOME it is to scream in the rooms of the bunkers.  Nice.

We decided to take a day trip into Port Townsend while we were there.  Turns out the Jefferson County Fair was going on.  AND....the day that we were there was the 4 x 4 Mud Drags.  So....we decided we'd do the fair thing.  The Mud Drags were pretty cool....but the highlight for Avery was definitely the pony ride!

It was a great trip!  We'll be making our reservations soon again for next summer!

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Avery is hilarious! I love all of her little poses:)