Saturday, September 18, 2010

Girl Scout Camp Out

Last weekend was the Girl Scout Camp Out.  As the troop's new Assistant Leader, Avery and I were invited to join the other Mom "Volunteers" and their daughters at Bayview State Park.  Avery was THRILLED to have some time ALONE together! (Meaning NO little sister around :) !) 
She was ready to GO!

She had been to a birthday party the night before and gotten the green teeth.  Nice.

We got there Saturday afternoon and had a great time exploring the mucky beach with our friends Alice and Michelle.

We got back to camp and set up the tent.  (Avery's first night sleeping in a tent EVER!)
Then the Girl Scouts had to get busy making dinner for everyone.
Avery was assigned a knife (eek!) and started her chopping duties!

The girls prepared two entrees....a pasta and vegetable casserole thingy and a chicken curry with rice dish.  Both prepared over the coals in a dutch oven.  They also made biscuits using the coals, a cardboard box lined with aluminum foil and a baking sheet.  They were hardcore! :)

And here they are....enjoying the fruits of their labor!   Avery, Alice and Emery.

After dinner it started to rain.  Just a little bit during s'more time.  Then it really geared up.  No problems though....we stayed nice and dry and warm in the tent.  Turned out to be a pretty good night's sleep.  In fact, Avery says the tent is a little better than the trailer.  (I had to disagree with her on that one!)

Here's the first picture of the morning.....

And Avery's commentary:

It was a pretty wet morning, too.  We gobbled down some pancakes and then started packing up in the rain.

It was a lot of fun meeting some other Girls Scouts as well as spending some time with the girls in our own troop.  We had a great time.  It's not often that the two of us get such a big chunk of alone time. 
I'm sure proud of Avery....she continues to be such a sweet and respectful girl.

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said... fun!!!! I remember meeting Avery when she was a teeny tiny newborn, remember that?? She has grown into such a sweet girl! And how exciting that she is a 1st grader - that is my favorite age to teach!