Saturday, September 18, 2010

Home Again, Home Again.....

After a VERY full summer of travel and camping, it was nice to be home and see some of our friends! 

We got back just in time to catch the final day of the Lynden Fair.  We went with the McCormacks.  Did the usual fair things....animals, food, rides, "moo-wich" ( ).

I wasn't sure if Avery was going to be up for the "BIG" rides.  She was right there beside Payton every step of the way!!!!  They had a BLAST!!! :)  Jordan got to choose first.  He was ALL about the "SIZZLER".  Only problem was....once he got to the front of the line, he realized he wasn't quite tall enough to ride without an adult.  Mark stepped up to the plate!  He took Jordan....look at the expression on his face. :)  Heehee.

Then they headed for the Ferris Wheel.

They loved that, too.
We decided that Annalise might like to try she got to go on the big slide.  Once with Daddy and once with Mommy.

We had our lunch, cruised around for a little while longer and then went to try out the Hang Glider. (Not sure what it's exact name is?!)  By far the hit of the day!!!!

Yes....the Fair took on a new meaning for Avery this year!!!!  It's ALL ABOUT THE RIDES now!
I still wonder exactly what it is that happens when you become an adult that makes these rides so brutal?!
It was a great day at the fair! 

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Whoa! The hang glider looks really cool. I have never seen that ride wasn't around when I was a kid.